VicharVedh is actively promoting values enshrined in the constitution of India for the past 30 years. More than 27,000 citizens are active participants in this movement to educate by churning of thoughts.

संमेलन दिनांक – 8 आणि 9 फेब्रुवारी 2025
स्थळ : राष्ट्र सेवा दल, पर्वती पायथा, पुणे – 411030
संपर्क -अनिकेत – +91 87964 05429 त्रिवेणी – 9130996429 अनिकेत – 95950 20107 प्रतिभा भोसले – 7083956798
ई -मेल:
- VicharVedh has produced more than 500 video films to increase social competence and social awareness among the young people. These educational video films will be the core source material for this course.
- Every 90-minute seminar/workshop in the course will begin with screening of one film of 15 minutes to 30 minutes duration.
- Participants will join from any place of their convenience through their mobile phone on YouTube.
- A batch size will be of 20 participants. A total of 1000 young persons to be enabled in the first 12 months.
- Participants will engaged in a group discussion on the film for about 30 minutes.
- The person who has spoken in the film will generally be the guest faculty member. The guest faculty member will answer queries of participants and summaries the discussion.
- Each participant will write about his understanding of the topic by writing a note in the ‘comment’ section of YouTube.
- There will be, initially, three modules of 12 workshops in each module. The participant who completes the three modules will get a ‘PARANGAT’ certificate from VicharVedhAssociation.
- VicharVedh Association will run a placement cell to find suitable work opportunities for students who have obtained the ‘PARANGAT’ certificate.
- Each participant will pay a nominal fee of rupees one hundred for the entire course of 36 workshops of 42 clock hours.